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Random Words from the Characters! (What? it's something isn't it?) |
Chaiya: Yay.. poll....wow... yea interesting.. I would choose the why "are you asking?" but that is just me. Ayalia: HL isn't that good of a question poll person this is her first poll in this place! sue her! Chaiya: That could be something Ayalia: You can't sue her anyway you're not a real person and I'm not either. Chaiya: Damn you!!! Ayalia: I hope you're not the only one who says that in the comic -.-;; Chaiya: oh yea I care! no I don't damn it! <Nov 23/02> Chaiya: What the hell did she do??? Ayalia: What? Chaiya: I meant what did HL do? she changed the place again! Ayalia: Well she's the creator Chaiya: DAMN YOU! >= 0 <Nov
21/02> |
OCT Nov 2002 27
Check Back Often! (or whenever I update...heh)
News/Updates: |
Subject: | Message/Update/Text: | Date: |
Change Again....BIIIG Change... | part 2 of change.... well did a lot on Sunday character stuff fan art (though I dun have any fan art :P) buttons on photoshop and then paint....bleh.... hard day.... had to do laundry keep up with this wanted to do a better pic of Proi and Ferr 'cause the one i have up in the character bios suckz! did it in an oekaki messy-like I was doing it BUT computer crashed and I gave up but i will put a better pic up even if it's in pencil...or I'll do SOMETHING on paint sheesh I'm feeling almost like Chaiya.. well I say damn it in my head when something messes up or damn you.... sometimes words I shouldn't type/say here... PLEASE dun make me! I think Chaiya would get pissed if I did say it (well she hasn't ever heard a swear word before and I dun plan on her hearing it what am I saying? Proi said one though I dunno if Chaiya heard..I'm strange :P) ok the "break" I mentioned... dunno might come...who says I'll tell you when? somewhere next week...ah! damn me! I said it...:P please dun chase me with a sharp object! knife...same thing! same goes for Chaiya though SHE'S JUST A DAMN DRAWING ON A DAMN FREAKIN' SHEET O' PAPER.... heh I'm ok REALLY I am! (I just called Chaiya a damn thing...heh she can't do anything MUAHAHAHAHAHA!) | Nov 25/02 |
.....Change? | Yes... took me a while to get all of it perfect.. or close to perfect but it's done! oh yes Chaiya does say damn you..... even damn it.... could be something with those things in the comic proabably.. I might take a short brake... pic week or something I'm ahead of everything I might even finish drawing episode 2... heh...... that's a maybe.... heh. | Nov 23(or/and 24th)/02 |
Lined paper... Maybe not now but coming.. | Well
yea when the 2nd episode really starts it's starts on lined paper
mostly 'cause... I REALLY wanted to continue this. As a result of me
really wanting to do this I have like overly done it I mean I scanned
ahead of time and did all the FTP stuff so no fillers or interruptions
in it....well not this week anyway or even on the Monday or Tuesday of
next week wow I'm SO ahead of myself...if I keep it up who says you
people really have to wait.. is it me or did I really see my counter
at the bottom say 13? are there really people reading?? ooooo
Yea added something.... Plus working on a better Characters Page... oh yea Fan art Welcome! (pffft! not that easy for me to get fan art unless someone really like Chaiya and Ayalia or even Chakaliaya :P) |
Nov 21/02 |
Close to end of Episode 1! | yes by now the 19th page 21 should be up and the counter I put on 2 pages left til the end of the first episode and they're all scanned! tomorrow and the day after that the last 2 pages of Episode 1 will show then poof! no more episode 1! On to episode 2! muah! | Nov 19/02 |
Page 19 and 20 plus maybe something good to know...:P | well yea by now November 18, 2002 page 20 SHOULD be up. I'm at a point of not making the page look like that well put in my messy-like annoying not straight panel boxes in, but who say's I'm the only person who can't draw perfect panel boxes (I'm SO not trying to insult people >_<). Oh yes the good thing to know... in like 3 pages Episode 1 will be done... over then episode 2 can start yay! oh yes for those who just started to read the comic I took the time to change the beginning pic since I'm not going by issues plus episodes it's plain episodes. How would I know that it'll be 3 more pages til Episode 1 is over? 'cause i've taken the time to do the pages and came to a conclusion that today has page 20 up of episode 1 and it turned out that there is 3 more pages til episode 1 is over. Plus I'm the drawer and the creator of all this! and this is getting interesting well I hope SOMEONE is looking at it.. I wouldn't say this is for all ages well 1. lots of violence to come 2. some other things not suitble for children well not that far into that ....but still might be disturbing... a bit.... heh meaning what's going to show on page 22.... well not saying anymore this is a hell of a long message/update/text :P | Nov 18/02 |
SD (Boredom) Comic.....:P | Ok ok i haven't gotten up 2 or 3 pages yet but I will! plus I got another page done yesterday (plus another one before that ¬¬) I wanna finish this episode! Dun ask how many more pages until Episode 1 is finished.. ok.. my own estimate would be....about 5 :P reminder to you people it's an estimate. I REALLY need a counter I already got a place that has 'em so I'll eventually do that.. heh ^_^;; | Nov 15/02 |